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Wednesday 28 March 2012

Salons, stay in the running!

What does an ordinary business day look like?
When I ask this question to beauty and hair salon owners, a high majority of them answer me that even if their clients are different, their job is the same everyday. A lot of them even use the term "routine", which obviously has a negative connotation, but such a thing is normal because it helps you avoid wasting time in your daily tasks.

Does this mean that part of a salon strategy is to ensure all employees have a routine?
Strategy is something that should be flexible and therefore easy to modify and improve to keep up with the dynamic environment.

So what does this mean in concrete terms?

Practically, it means "keep moving". Some may think "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" - they are wrong. Evolution and adaptation are the key words no matter the industry you're working in. Every year, every month, a new product, service or technology is released and can sometimes completely revolutionise the way the industry works. The best example is probably social networks. Ten years ago, Facebook and Twitter didn't exist and today they are daily used by more than 75% companies to promote their business!
The important thing is to be inventive, creative and not to be afraid to try new things. Today's customers have shorter attention spans, want things fast and already know what the new communication methods are before businesses have time to learn how to utilise them. As a company, your goal is to meet their expectations so you can't allow yourself to stay static or they will go to one of your competitors.

Here are the main tips and trends to help you stay dynamic and in the running.

1. Diversify your offer
Launching new treatments in addition to those you already have is the key to avoid boring your customers. It also helps you to attract new ones as they know they can have 2 or 3 treatments in your salon rather than having to go to two different places.

2. Don't be afraid to freshen things up!
Things like furnishings and decorations may not lead to a better service but salon services are there to make people look and feel good, and therefore so should your salon! I saw a salon designed to look like the inside of a plane last week! Now this may seem a bit extreme but I can tell the seats were full and everyone was commenting on the kooky interior! I loved it and more importantly told all my friends! This is a bit of an extreme example but a fresh coat of paint or theme could go a long way.

3. Forget the paper, it's now all about computers
During the last ten years, these little boxes have invaded houses, schools, libraries and they are now interested in your salon! No don't try to run, they just want to help! I know from experience that some salon owners are very reluctant to use computers and salon softwares as it seems so much more complicated than using a pen and an appointment book. But this is a trend you can't avoid and it's not as hard as you think it is. A high majority of salon softwares are built to make your daily management (stocks, schedules, appointments...) easier and are therefore very simple to use. The best advice I can give you is: ask for a demo. This way you will automatically know if you feel able or not to use one to run your salon.

4. Offer a new booking method for your clients
For salons already using a salon software to run their business, the best tool I can recommend you is an online booking system. This method is growing at an alarming rate and Phorest CEO Ronan Perceval forecasts that "50% of bookings will take place online within 5 years". It is therefore your "must have" if you want to be up to date! Your customers now do everything on the Internet and are what we call e-customers. They don't want to spend time on the phone anymore and offering them to book their treatment online is without a doubt a way to satisfy them even before they enter your salon. 

5. Use the latest fashionable communication channels
The Internet is constantly evolving and therefore you need to stay on top of it. Facebook and Twitter are powerful communication tools! Don't be fooled into thinking that you need to flog your services online for as cheap as possile but good use of social networks can lead to happy customers. You can speak directly to them with little effort and the important is their friends maybe listening. This could mean some new business which is never a bad thing.

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